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Smart Flight Offers

2024/10/16 23:59:59

We know that your family vacations mean a lot…

That’s why NOW is the best time to book your next family getaway!
With the Family fare, children and infants travel FREE.

ForFamilies promo benefits:

  • 100% discount for infants and children booking the Family fare
  • 100% discount for infants and 50% discount for children booking the ComfortFlex fare
  • x2 Miles+Bonus miles with Family and ComfortFlex fares
  • 40% discount on Fast Track service with Family and ComfortFlex fares with the usage
    of the Promotional Code «FAMILYFAST40»

So, pack your bags, grab the toys and get ready for an epic family trip!

The offer is valid for all direct and connecting flights to/from any international or Greek destination, between 11/11/2024 – 31/08/2025.

 Ends on 16/10!

Smart Rent A car Offers

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